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Measure Before You Buy!

We sell a wide range of accessories and parts for all sizes of wire racks. It is very impiortant to measure your rack before you buy to ensure you are getting the correct part. If at any time you are having trouble figuring out which part to get please feel free to call or email our customer service and we would be glad to help you.

*NOTE: If you have the accessory insert that came in the box you can search and order by item number.

There are only two important dimensions to know when buying shelves or shelf accessories. The length and width.

Below are a list of items that require you to know your shelf dimensions before you buy.
  • Shelves
  • Shelf Dividers
  • Shelf Liners
  • Back Ledges
  • U Style Handles
  • Side Bar w/ Hooks

When purchasing Shelves, U Style Handles and Side Bar w/ Hooks you will also need to know the diameter of your poles.

Note: click the below link to see the instructions. If the PDF does not open it can be found in your "downloads" directory

Click here to see how.